Dedicated to the memory of Elexa -Mae Cunningham

This site is a tribute to Elexa -Mae Cunningham. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Elexa- Mae was born on Friday September 30th 2016 weighing 2lb 10 oz. Although she was teeny tiny she was perfect.
Unfortunatly at 12 days old she took very poorly and was rushed from Stepping Hill to Saint Mary's Newborn Intensive Care Unit. The staff on the unit looked after her very well, but unfortunatly Elexa - Mae had a condition they couldn't cure, and on Friday November 11th 2016 her mummy and daddy Tasha Peacock and Jack Cunningham had to make the agonising decision to switch off her ventilator. Aged just 6 weeks Elexa Mae grew her angel wings. 
The love and care she received was amazing. They looked after all of us . And still do to this day . 
 As a thank you we are raising much needed funds for the NICU in her memory so we can help the babies and parents that need it . The staff are amazing and are true angels x
To date from money raised so far we have bought a monitor for the transportation ambulance, this monitors the babies whilst in transit to a specialised hospital , we have also bought a number of apnoea monitors for the NICU unit. As a family we thank you all xx


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Manchester Foundation Trust Charity
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